Friday, 21 February 2020

Friday, Feb 21st

  What happened to our gorgeous weather?  There is a storm system moving in from the Pacific coming through Las Vegas bringing lots of cloud cover and wind.  The weather is actually coming across the Pacific from Hawaii and will cause snow in the high country. The morning was actually cool, well not that bad as I still had shorts on.  The daytime high was probably in the high 60's today.
  We went out early to the MV office where they deal with titles.  They were non able to help us, but said we could probably get what we need a the bank.  So over to our bank, which was closed, so on to Safeway. I went in quickly for milk and eggs, but too quick as it turns out.  I bought 1% milk thinking it was whole milk or 2%.  Not really certain what we are going to do with this colored water, I guess we'll try it out.
  Then it was over to the bank, no biggie as it's right across the road. The bank was still not open, but lined up outside.  Marg waited in the truck while I waited in line.  When the bank opened a lady said something snarky to Marg about cutting in the line.  She responded saying i'm just getting in place with my husband who is ahead of you.  When we got in the bank I checked with Jacob, the guy we dealt with last time and he said we needed to go to the title place north of the branch.   Back out the door and the snarky lady moved up one position in the line.  She still didn't look happy, kind of surly actually.  I think her husband or boyfriend must be the greens keeper who positions the flags on our course down south.
  On to the license place where a nice lady notarized our signatures on the title deed which was all we needed.  Then it was back to the bank to stand in line.  It must have been moving very slowly as I was 2 people behind the snarky lady.  From there I deposited the final payment on our park model.   Our checking account is getting a decent balance and the teller suggested I see one of their customer service staff about getting it to earn interest..  Being foreigners we can't do that, but it was nice of her to think about it. 
  Back to the park with the 1% where we discovered what I had done.  We were out of milk so just opened it.  Now if we had only bought it at Costco we could take it back.  LOL  We were back just in time for Marg to head out with the Entertainment committee to pick up snacks for the pub/games night later today.  Marg has changed the way they buy snacks.  Instead of the large cheaper bags, she buys the smaller bags that are packaged in individual portions.  It works out well as there is lots of variety and no one has pawed through the snacks you choose before you.  She has received many compliments on the new way of handling snacks. 
  After lunch we went down to the hall to decorate and set up for the evening event.  There were lots of folks there and as the saying goes, many hands make light of work.  We finished up in good time and Marg took a break to Chill-ax.  I went to happy on the other side of he park/where there were quite a few, each curious was to Marg not being there.After we went out for supper.  We started out for a pizza place, but ended up at Arby's where Marg had a fish sandwich and I had a Reuben.

Marg outdid me in the putting and my so-called friends made certain she and everyone who would listen beat the score I turned in.  Way to go Margie!
  The games night was busy, so it was fortunate we got there early.  I ran the darts game again this year which is always lined up once the games start. There were no prizes for us this year, but certainly a lot of fun.  Marg took most of the pictures tonight and then I took a few after the games were finished.  The final game is always the trivia quiz and we had lots of fun with it.  There were a couple of questions that I tried to sway the group on, bur they chose a different answer, so we never won that tonight.  One of the questions - where is the largest mall in North America, they insisted on the mall of America, but it was Edmonton.  Lots of fun.

1 comment:

  1. They definitely should have listened to you... having had a daughter that worked in West Edmonton Mall lol x
