Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Wednesday, January 29th

It was a decent day in the morning, pleasant enough with scattered cloud cover.  No short pants today, jacket weather for much of the day.
The day started early for me with golf.  Gary drove and we took Mickey with us.  There was a good sized group this morning and the 3 of us got to go out in the first group.  Lately we seem to get this so we can take out the markers for the long putt and closest to the pin on the par 3 at #7.  Mickey and I rode together in the cart so with both him and Gary it was a fun group.  I choked on the long putt and came up short, so I took a second one from the same spot that went in.  No guts - No glory!
  Marg got a text today from the Vreelings, they had been travelling and were in Sedona.  As they were just travelling around they wanted to stop by for a visit.  With their travel time, it would be mid-afternoon when they would get here, so we had a bite of lunch and then went out for a few groceries at Safeway.  The place was about as busy as we have ever seen it. In our rounds to pick up what we needed, we discovered why.  There were lots of good deals today.  The meat was the first one I noticed with sirloin steak packages on a buy one get 3 sale.  That would have been such a good deal, but our freezer is almost full, leaving us no room for all of it, so we had to pass.  Then beer was on sale if you bought two cubes.  They never had Miller high life, so I got MGD at 2 cubes of 30 for $15 each.  In the end our bill was over $70 before discounts; after it was about $40.  There was a very good deal on scotch, but it only applied on quantities of 6, so had to pass on that one as well.  Oh we did manage to get a very nice looking rye bread today, something new that I can hardly wait to try.
  We had a bit of time to sit around until they arrived.  A friend who was building something showed up as I had indicated I had some laying around.  It was left over from our renovations 5 years ago, so I guess I no longer needed it.
  Tammy & KR got here about the middle of the afternoon, so after a short visit with a cocktail, we took them for a ride around the place.  It was really a quick tour, but they had not been around here previously.  Marg had a nice piece of tenderloin in the slow cooker, so we could have them for supper.  It was a nice meal finished with the brownies she made earlier in the day.
  After they left, Marg did the mountain of dishes while I went to play poker.  I did offer to dry, but she declined - honest.  I should have stayed to help as I was no good cards tonight.  I did win a few pots, but none of the big ones, so that makes 3 weeks in a row of donating.  It was a good table, pretty light hearted with lots of laughs, so it was worth taking a hit for the entertainment value.  When I got home, Marg always asks how it went, not the money, rather was it a fun evening and it was.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got a visit in with Tammy & KR hope they are both welll xx
