Thursday, 2 January 2020

Thursday, January 2nd

A fairly decent day today, same weather pattern we have been having lately.  The weather doesn't usually change radically in a short time frame.
  We got up and out in pretty good time and went to the coffee klatch at 8:45 this morning.  It was well attended, there must have been at least 6 couples plus some new campers who arrived in the park since New Years day.  We generally take our own coffee because Marg makes it better than the stuff at the hall.  We also passed on the donuts this morning, me because I ate before and Marg because it was too early for her to eat.  There was quite a lot of information this morning and the January activity calendar was handed out.  The calendar this year is very full; Marg participated in a meeting they had to iron out what was included and what had to be shifted around. While there are some new activities some of the changes resulted from increased participation.  Chair yoga is becoming one of the more popular and is now twice a week.
  The rest of the morning, Marg worked on laundry.  It is a regular item for her using the smaller machine and air drying clothes being slower than the large machines at home.  Once she got things started we went over to Kenny & Doris' place where Marg went in to put away the cleaning stuff they used the other day and to make certain the place was still clean and free of bugs, which it was.  Then she swept out the breezeway as some stuff had blown in.  I posted some of the info from this morning on the tenants association FB page.  After taking the cover off, I pumped up his golf cart tires and checked the batteries.  Then I put the battery charger on to bring the batteries up to full charge and took the cart off the jack stands.
  A bit of messing around home and it was lunch.  After lunch Marg went to help take down the Christmas tree / Memory tree.  Well it was really down as it had blown over.  They packed up all the tree decorations and those in the hall as well as the tree putting them in their storage unit.  I went and played pool with 3 other guys.  It was a real defensive struggle with everyone trying to play the other side safe.  There were a couple of guys who really take their time for their turn as well, so I think we only played about 4 games in 3 hours. This is not normal, usually the pace of play is much quicker, but it was fun anyway.
  On my way back to our place I passed the happy hour and Marg was already there and she had a beer in a cozy for me, so I just pulled up a chair and joined in.  There were more women than men today, I'm beginning to think they like to party more than us guys.
  Supper tonight was a nice T-Bone steak and a tray of potatoes / veg on the bbq.  After supper I went to the animal races.  It was well attended tonight.  I won 7 races, so made out like a bandit.  I told them I may give up poker as I did better at the races tonight.  LOL  Marg wanted to stay in as her back was causing her too much discomfort to sit in a chair at the races.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on the races... sorry to hear Mom was too sore to join in. Hope she’s getting some rest. And is feeling better today x
