Saturday, 21 December 2019

Saturday, December 21st

Not quite as chilly last night, and as a result the day warmed much sooner.  It was about 70 F around the early part of the afternoon and was very pleasant before lunch.  This is the weather we signed on for.
   I slept in a bit so Marg was the first one up, not the usual start to the day for us.  We were in bed by our usual time last night, so not sure what happened.  By the time I got organized, I missed the breakfast in the hall this morning.  The crew were making crepes and I wanted to see what they were like, maybe next time this crew has breakfast.  We still had lots of bananas and the coffee cake muffins, so it was all good.
 Marg did a load laundry this morning and I went out looking to borrow a ladder.  My ladder guy was out, but I managed to track him down and get permission to use it.  Then I got my stuff organized and spent the rest of the morning on the roof applying the coating on the roof and all the seams on the tip out as well as the sides where the roof meets siding.  It goes on like a thick paint, so I used a combination of brush and roller.  The park model is more like an RV than a house with this part of the construction.  This is pretty much an annual project for me and it seems to be paying off as we don't have any roof leaks.  Doing the tip out requires a lot of ladder time, not my favourite way to work.
  Throughout the morning Marg was getting visitors.  Apparently there is some problem with the memory tree as well as other entertainment committee affairs, so she went out a few times.  I can't really be certain, but things seem to have been sorted out.  All I know is she was back in time to make lunch, which was nice.
  After lunch I did some clean up.  I had wore shorts while up on the roof, so my legs, especially knees were covered.  I ended up using the bathtub and Marg's Dawn dish soap to get both the oxidized and new stuff off.  After I took the ladder back.  By then lots of people were out and about and asking questions about the ladder.  I had it on the back of the golf cart standing straight up and as it is about 10 ft even collapsed it raised questions.  I told them I was the new fire chief in the park and had to have a ladder to do my job.  On guy asked if it was working out and I replied there had been zero fires since I was on the job.
  Marg finished up the laundry and did some housework,  Not sure what that means other than the floors she washed and the foot pads she put on the kitchen chairs.  The two of us went down for the mail today and there were a couple things.  One was a personally addressed piece to us from the CSA, no not the Confederate States of America [the rebel side].  It was from the Canadian Snowbirds Association, apparently we are now members as a result of our purchasing travel insurance through MediPac.  Nothing in the mail from you Charlene [to save you from asking].
  Marg said I made a decision we are going out for a buffet, you decide where.  About 4 we went out to Costco where I filled up with petrol at $2.79 a U.S. gallon.  That works out to about 73 cents a litre.  Then we went on to Golden Corral for our buffet.  It was a little more expensive tonight, apparently Saturday nights there is prime rib on.  The prime rib was actually pretty good, I ended up with an end piece and it was spicy, but very good.  They also had 2 or 3 kinds of shrimp and the bread pudding was good.  Marg got a couple bags of cotton candy to bring home as well as a piece of fudge from the dessert area. 

1 comment:

  1. Shame you still haven’t got any post from us... fingers crossed it comes before Christmas. Live the cotton candy bags they give you at Golden Coral x
