Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Tuesday, March 12th

It was a rainy day.  It must have rained last night, although the morning was quite nice.  Just after noon the rain started and n the early afternoon it rained pretty hard.  Funny but the sun came out for a couple hours and then the clouds filled in and it rained almost as hard again, but with thunder this time.  Never saw any lightning, but it was definitely a thunderstorm.  The temperatures for the day were in the low 60's, so not cold, but not the Arizona we signed on for.  Most people are saying it is the wettest, coolest winter here in memory.
  Marg left with the gamblin' gals at 9 this morning.  There were 4 of them today and all reports are that they had a good time, although no winners today.  Marg informed this was her last trip to the Fort this year.  I think she is serious, but time will tell.  Apparently she had a winning number that was displayed in the monitor when someone bingo ed before her number was called, 3 times.  This sometimes happens, but she had never seen it happen that many times.  Twice it was for $600 and the third time about half of that, pretty discouraging.
  In the morning I went to Walmart to get a few things.  We don't have room for lots of back up supplies, so we often run out of things, like today it was bar soap, orange juice, muffins, bananas, etc.  Although we still have lots of shower or bath wash I like bars of soap in the shower and I like OJ at breakfast so those were my main motivation.
  After lunch, yes poor Dave had to make his own lunch today, I went to play pool.  I put on the rain coat and walked down, water was actually running in a small river down the street.  There was a bluegrass music event in the hall, so there were only 4 of us playing pool  They were good competitive games and I think I lost more than won, have to confess I have played better, although I won the last game in convincing fashion.  LOL
  When I stopped playing it was almost time to get Marg as Cindy generally drops the gals off at the gate.  She sent me a text saying they were leaving the Fort, but the roads were so wet, it slowed them down and I got to sit in the rain for about 20 or 30 minutes in the golf cart.  When she got back we went to the happy at Blankes, where they had the patio heater on.
  A quick dinner at home and then it was on to bingo in the hall.  A lot of bingo for Marg today.  We had the same results, close but no win.  Both Kenny & I were down to one number, the money ball, on the same game, but it didn't surface.  Even on the last game, Marg, Doris and I were all waiting for the same number.  It was good for a laugh. 
  Fingers crossed on the weather tomorrow, they will cancel golf if it's raining.  We are not that die hard on our desire to play.


  1. Hope that weather starts to improve... still better then home I guess x

  2. Too bad about the rain and colder weather.
