Sunday, 17 March 2019

Saturday, March 16th

A gorgeous day in the valley of the sun.  The temperature was up around 25C today with not a cloud in the sky.  The pool heater was replaced and it was full of swimmers today.
  I got up early and went to breakfast in the clubhouse.  It was good and very well attended with a big line up when I got there.  One of the specialties of this crew was sticky buns, another was blueberry pancakes and a third was a choice of fried or scrambled eggs as well as ham or bacon.  I got a sticky bun, even though I never wanted one, Linda asked for it at the window saying I forgot it.  Then when I took it to my table, she stopped by to claim it.  LOL  A bit later they came around offering s second one, so I took it home, along with a piece of crispy bacon.  Marg enjoyed the bacon, but wasn't crazy about the sticky bun.  So - she put a pan of them together.
  Then we met up with two other couples in their golf carts.  There was a park patio sale around the corner so we went in our convoy of carts.  It wasn't much of a sale and none of us bought anything.  After we got back from that trip, Marg put the sticky buns together.  Then she cut up a bunch of greens, lettuce, cuke, carrots, for the bunnies and put it out.  I went to the hardware store for some garbage bags and a pumice stone for taking calcium build-up off toilet bowls.  There was a huge blues festival in the park across from the hardware, so traffic and parking were a bit of an issue.
  When I got back Marg had made plans to go our with 3 other couples for supper tonight.  At 3 in the afternoon we went down to the clubhouse to decorate the hall for the Good Bye dance tonight.  The ladies had lots of things left from last year and put up the decorations and the snacks on the tables.  A couple of us helped re-arrange tables and chairs, it all went pretty smoothly.
  We were not long in getting back to our place when our ride arrived to take us out for supper.  We went to the Dog Run, a bar not far from here with 3 other couples.  Guys sat at one end and gals at the other.  They had bloody mary's and we had a pitcher of beer and then another pitcher.  There were only 3 of us on beer, one fellow was on near beer on doctors orders.  Food was pretty good and the place was sure busy.
  Again we were not home very long and it was time to head over to the dance.  There was a good crowd and they came to party.  It was taped music, actually it is picked up off the internet on a laptop and then played through the audio system in the clubhouse.  At 9 we wrapped up the dance as we had to take down the decorations and re-arrange the tables and chairs for the morning.  There were lots of helping hands, so it went very quickly.  Another successful event by the Entertainment Committee.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like lots of fun ... nice shorts Birthday Boy xx
