Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Wednesday, Feb 27th

The weather is finally getting close to normal.  It was 71F or 22C today and the sun shone brightly improving everyone's spirits.  We wore short pants and shirt sleeves today.
  Marg did laundry this morning, it was her 9th load since Sunday.  She must be taking in laundry as I can't hardly believe we have that many clothes here.  Then in the middle of the morning there was a meeting of the entertainment committee and they got some new ideas on how to get more people involved in the activities in the park.  It sounds like it went on for a while, but was productive.  I played golf this morning at Apache Sun and Gerry & I were in the first group out.  I hit the ball well for a change, but the putting suffered.  I think I missed 4 putts for par, my score at the end of nine was 42, so about as good as it gets for me.
  When I got back we went out for lunch today.  We stopped at a smoke shop where Marg found a snuffer and bought cigs.  The snuffer is used to put partly smoked ones in and then re-light them for further use.  She has been searching for one for a long time and it was luck really that they had them in stock.  We went to Hackers, but they were packed with folks waiting for a table.  We left here a bit early, but lost that advantage with our stop, so opted not to eat there.  We went on to the Mirage, a bar and grill for lunch, we have eaten there before, but not for a while.  Marg had the cod and chips, me a burger.  There was not line and the food was good.
  After lunch Marg went for mail and then steamed clothes and got them put away.  We got some mail from the UK, thank you Char & Phil.  I played some pool.  The two fellows I played with are pretty good, so the games were challenging.  There weren't as many playing today, but all 3 tables were going for a while.
  We went to happy today.  On the way we stopped to chat with the fellow who had the car wreck this week and he seemed to be doing a bit better.  Happy was up at the far end of the park.  It was a smaller group, about a dozen or so, so glad we went.
  Back to our place for supper.  I bbq'd a steak and Marg made baked potatoes and peas to go with it.  It was a T-bone and one thing I have discovered is that by cutting the meat off the bone it cooks faster, so I can get medium rare for me and well done for her.  It was a nice steak and after we were done, Marg asked the lady across the street if she wanted the bone and scraps for her dog.  She did and was happy to have them.
  Poker tonight and I think I was close to break even.  There were a lot fewer players tonight, so we had a table of 4 and one of 5.  We play until 9 'clock and at the end, judging from the size of my poke,  I believe I was very close to even.


  1. Glad to hear the temps are moving in the right direction for you at last x

  2. Good to hear that the weather is warming up!
