Thursday, 21 February 2019

Thursday, Feb 21

It was forecast to rain heavy today and they certainly got that right.  It rained pretty much the entire day and while this is inconvenient, we don't have to shovel it.  The rest of the state, except south of us has not been so fortunate, they have snow.  Up north around Flagstaff, they have had a record one day amount and there are quite a few places reporting over 2 feet with some almost 3.  The water is running in the streets, ditches are full, there are warnings of over ground flooding all around here.  It is expected to pass by early morning, so not long term.
  We have the golf cart seat covered with an old shower curtain, so were able to ride without getting wet butts.  We went to the koffee klatch this morning and were fortunate to be the first table picked to go up for donuts, so we bought the guy who picked our number a donut.  The meeting didn't run on too long and the exiting treasurer approached me about reviewing the finances with the incoming treasurer and him.  It will be up to the two of them to agree on the the time and place.  I seem to get this job everywhere I go.  LOL
  After coffee we went out and stopped at the coin shop I usually go to on the way.  Could not find any Canadian coins, but did find two English ones in a bargain bin, 25 cents each.  One is a half penny that has a book value of a pound, the other an older 6 p coin that has a book value of 3.6 pounds, so good deals.  Then on down to Costco to return the pair of zip-off pants we bought the other day as they didn't fit very well.  We looked around, but there were none in the size we needed, so left without buying anything.  'Now that is a rare event.  On the way home we stopped in at 3 pawn shops, but nothing there either.
  Lunch was back at our place and was great, omelets with fried potatoes.  Marg got a couple of the ones left from the potato bar and fried them up in onions.  They were good potatoes made better by frying them.
  After lunch I went to play pool.  There was only one table and it had 4 players.  Micky came in and while he had played years ago has not been recently.  I played with him and introduced him to 1 15 eight ball.  We had some pretty good games and they were close, unfortunately he never won one.  On the last game I had a bit of a run of luck on my first turn and was down to one ball.  I managed to miss the eight about 3 times, but finally made it to end the final game.  On our walk back he stopped at his place and said something like - you took it pretty easy on me didn't you.  I just said you played well considering I thought you had me a few times there.
  Marg stayed in as she was going out with the gamblin' gals.  There were 4 of them and they went to Casino Arizona.  No winners in their group, so they are probably going back to the Fort.  I went to the animal races and won 4.  The elephant won twice, so a pretty good night even though the crowd was really small.  Probably a result of the rain that was still coming down steady well into the evening.


  1. Crazy weather you guys are having. Stay warm and dry!

  2. Can’t get over that weather... good for the cacti x

  3. Do many people Pawn their zip off pants?
