Saturday, 16 February 2019

Saturday, Feb 16th

 A nice day for the start of Presidents Day long weekend here, Family Day back home. 
  Our morning was spent dealing with a few things around the park, including some time visiting with friends.  It seems we are talking about an opportunity to get together in the summer more these days.  No details, just talk so far.
  Shortly before noon we headed down to the rental house where our visitors were packing up in preparation for their return to Edmonton.  It was funny, Blake was wearing shorts for the flight home, I think he is in denial about the weather at home.  LOL  There was a major construction delay on the route back to the airport, so we had to take a detour.  They were really appreciative that we were there to guide them through the detour.  I tried to tell them it was just luck as I was not familiar with the area, but they thought it to much to believe when we came out right at the airport.  Too funny for words, but I was just heading north in the direction of  the mountains, knowing I had to turn before the freeway.
  We continued on through the airport area to a shopping strip I knew of on Power where we went to Appleby's for lunch.  They all found something they liked, so it worked out well.  The service was a bit slow and that also worked out well as they had a bit of time to kill before check in at the airport.  When we got there it took a while to unload the luggage and get it into the terminal.  The we had to find out where to return their rental.  They were a little anxious about the route, so I followed them and drove them back to the terminal building.  By the time we finished, it was getting pretty busy back at the terminal.  It is a pretty bare bones airport compared to the big one, but I guess that's what goes with a discount carrier [they flew with Flair].  Their fares were great though.  It was a bit sad to say goodbye as we had a great week with them.  It was great getting an opportunity to get to know Easton better, he is a delightful young boy.
  On the way back we stopped at Basha's for a few groceries.  We pretty much ate out this past week and were on the go every day, so grocery shopping fell to the bottom of the priority list.  We are stocked back up so shouldn't starve.
  We took a bit of time to ourselves for the time until supper.  We did eat at home today and it was a nice stir fry.  Marg had made plans to go with Kenny & Doris to the auction tonight after supper.  It started in the middle of the afternoon, so not certain what sold before we got there, but they had lots of good junk when we were there.  The prices were not too bad on most things and they had lots of variety.  I did on coins several times without success, but did manage to win a bid on 4 Mercury dimes.  One was dated 1936, 2 were 1937 & the fourth was 1943.  Marg bid on a small butter churn, but it went well above what she was willing to pay so lost out on it. I check the values on the dimes and depending on condition assessment they are easily worth twice what I paid for them.  At home I checked the value on a 1957 half dollar I was in on and was glad to be out-bid.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds as though you had a fabulous visit with the family... and kept up your great reputation of being a brilliant tour guide x
