Monday, 11 February 2019

Monday, Feb 11th

  A pleasant day in the valley of the sun, but it could have been nicer in the early morning hours as it was pretty chilly last night.
  I got up fairly early and did some work on the computer.  I needed to get some information on the facebook applications we are using for the tenants association to clarify how we are using it for our residents as it is a little different.  Let no good deed go unpunished.  LOL
  When that was done, I cleaned up my clubs and shoes this morning.  The course has a better class of hacker than the ones I usually play, so wanted to at least look like I belong.  I put a few more balls in my bag as I heard it was a challenging course, so would be prepared to lose one or two.
  Marg did some laundry and then went over our banking.  She pays a little closer attention to it here to make certain we're not having problems.  It seems we have had more instances of problems with the credit cards here than at home, so want to be able to deal with anything as soon as it happens.  Then she made a pan of brownies, that are amazing.  There were a few visitors around today as always so she was pretty much busy until it was time to leave.
  I left right after having a bite to eat as I had to pick up Gene and then Blake for golf.  The course we played at Johnson Ranch is about 30 minutes drive south of here.  Gerry was also joining us, but he drove directly there.  The house Lanny & Brent rented is about 5 minutes from the golf course and was the main reason I picked this one.  It is around a mountain, so much of the rough is unplayable with rocks and cactus.  The fairways were quite nice but what would normally be the second cut wasn't much better as it was dry grass or scarcely any.   There were a few elevated tee boxes and elevated greens on other holes.  The fairways were between houses on both sides, so narrow in places.  I think I lost 3 or 4 balls, so my score was not great.  Blake had new irons and the course was as well, but he played well today and it was fun getting out with him.  He and Gene tied and Gerry had a reasonable round.
  I was supposed to talk with our visitors about potential plans for the next few days, but left my notes at home.  When I got home I had to message Lanny and after a call I think we have a bit of a game plan.  Upon arriving home I discovered that I was feeding myself, so it was a sandwich, with the knowledge that there was a pan of brownies to look forward to.  They were everything I expected and more.
  Marg got home late after a day at Casino Arizona with 4 other gamblin' gals.  It seems there were no  financial winners, but they were all winners when it came to fun.  I think that is what keeps them going back.  ;>))

1 comment:

  1. Glad the golf was fun... sounds a great course x
