Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Wednesday, Jan 30th

A cloudy day, but very pleasant in the valley.
It was golf at Apache Sun this morning but I had forgot Gerry was going on his own, so I held back until the last minute before leaving.  I did get there in time and Gerry was already there and had the cart ready to go.  We were in the first group out and played with Mickey from New Mexico and Charlie from Red Deer.  I was concerned about my back so really took a lot off my swing, slowed down both the back swing and the stroke.  Someone said to me slow down and enjoy the extra distance.  Well I really don' t think the distance was there, but I sure hit the drive straighter.  I think I lost distance on the irons, so if this continues I may have to go up to the next iron if I continue this way.  As it turned out, Gerry had told Deb he would be in the parking lot waiting for her at 10, well he forgot and after we hit our drives on #8 said oops.  I hit my second shot and then as we were close to the clubhouse, ran him over to the waiting wife, who did not seem that happy to see him.  Nothing serious, they just had to get their guest to the airport to fly back to Edmonton and needed to do that 3 hours before flight departure.  I wonder if her luggage went with her.  LOL  I finished up and had a respectable score [for me].
  Marg had an entertainment committee meeting this morning and it went on quite long as she wasn't back when I got in.  I guess they were dealing with some of the upcoming events and their finances.  The group has an advance that they spend and account for.  The treasurer is resigning this year, so they are looking for a new one.  When the position changed in the past I have always done a financial review to confirm the finances are in good order and write a report to the board to that effect.  The same thing I do for the condo board.  Anyway the outgoing treasurer is going around telling people they better have their books in order when I do the review or else.  Not sure what that means, something like trolls hiding under the bridge or some such.  Apparently a hot topic is the changes they are making to the ladies spring tea.  Radical stuff like having a salad bar, LOL.
  We had a bite of lunch and then Marg went to thrash & splash, errr water aerobics.  I went to play some pool.  I was fortunate to play with a couple of guys that are a lot of fun.  We had made arrangements to meet back at our place at 2:30, so had to cut it short.
  We went out to look for the paint to repaint a wall or two.  We seem to have lost the color chip, so went to Home Depot and picked up a bunch that seem to be close, so we can get one. I need to paint the area I tore apart to fix the water leak and then a bit extra for a small area.  Then we stopped at Walmart for a few groceries, you know, toilet paper, beer & ice cream and some other things.  The price of beer has sure gone up here, I paid $18 for a cube of 30 cans. 
  We got back to the park a bit late for happy, it was at Lynett's so we went even if late.  It was fortunate as we found out one of the couples just bought a park model and will be selling their 5th wheel.  I also found out that the Links at Queen Creek, a beautiful course has been sold.  The new owners plan to bulldoze it in 2 years to build a shopping mall and houses.  A shame, but the construction boom here seems to have lots of excited investors.
  Supper at home and then it was poker night.  We had two tables tonight, so are continuing to get lots of participation.  I'm not certain but I came out close to even.  I started out slow, then did well for a while, then began losing again and finally picking up a few pots at the end.  Much like a roller coaster ride, I guess.
  Marg was checking the bank account today and it seems we received raises in our pension and old age security totaling $103 every month.  The largest part of it is in my city pension, the old age security was only 60 cents a month for each of us.  Good news in any event!

1 comment:

  1. They need to build a golf course with. Shopping mall to Keep Both of you happy x
