Saturday, 26 January 2019

Saturday, Jan 26th

One of us got out early and went to the clubhouse for breakfast this morning.  It was very good, the pancakes had some apple bits in them, which was new to me and very nice.  They seemed to have a good crowd for breakfast, which is nice as I know how much work goes into it.
  After I got back I sat on the heating pad and then went out to adjust the brakes on the golf cart.  I had them set down a bit, but when Marg went to park on an incline they wouldn't hold, so some action was required.  They seem to be fine now, but they are making lots of noise when they are applied.  Probably should do something with the shoes again, but it's becoming a full time thing, you know annoying. 
  Just before lunch Marg checked the banking and discovered we had a problem with Telus.  They charged us for all the services when the TV & Internet were supposed to be on vacation suspension, so $185 instead of $15. I got on a chat line with Telus as the phone lines were impossible.  Service calls to them from here are a lot more difficult than they need to be.  After an hour on the computer chat line with them I got acknowledgement that we are owed an adjustment because we were charged $185 for 3 days service last month and $185 for no service in February.  Sure makes a person think twice about paying by direct debit with this outfit.  After an hour on the chat line, we are supposed to have an adjustment next month, with any luck it will be the right way.  This should all straighten out by April or so.
  By the time I got done, Marg had gone to the hall.  It was time to decorate for it for the pub night.  The entertainment committee along with some volunteers were there to get the room set up.  One of our residents had a bunch of flags, table cloths and a lot of beer box cutoffs, so it looked pretty darn good.  The game operators then had to get theirs set up.  I had to build a backboard for the dart board as a lot of folks miss the board. 
  Happy hour this afternoon was at Roger & Kathy's and was a birthday party as well.  There were surprise visits from the birthday boys family, who live in Phoenix.  The there was a surprise visit by a lady's daughter and her family that was quite emotional.  It seem she and I were the only two people who never knew about the visitors from Edm.  It was quite emotional as there were two very young grandchildren.  Well emotional for the women, as Marg said she had tears in her eyes.
  Supper tonight was the left over roast, potatoes and vegetables.  They were very good and more than filled the gap.  We just got cone and it was time to head to the hall for the event. 
I put on my bowler hat, bow tie, mustache and away we went.  The pub night was well attended and a lot of fun.  Marg took pictures tonight and I was the game operator for darts.  At the start they had a surprise presentation to the winners from last year, one of whom was me.  The event was an unqualified success, with many people expressing a desire to do it again next year.  I certainly got many humorous comments on my outfit tonight.  They said make it fun and we seem to have accomplished that.

1 comment:

  1. Great look for you.... love it! You must be getting some miles on that golf cart the a
    Pint of servicing it requires lol x
