Friday, 16 November 2018

Friday, November 16

Got off to a bit of a slow start today, but that's partly by design.  The nights are very cool now and it takes the sun a while to warm the day up even though it got to 76F [24C] today.  Besides it takes the hot water tank a while to recover so we both can shower in the mornings. 
  After breakfast we went out to Winco.  It's an employee owned grocery store and they offer some very good products at competitive prices.  The only drawback is they don't take credit cards, so we always have to pay cash.  How good are the deals, well Marg picked up a basket of fresh strawberries for 98 cents.  She also found some Tempura batter, something she can't find at home anymore, so it was a good trip.  On the way there and back she picked up on 3 park sales that go tomorrow, so you can guess what our morning will be like.  Fortunately most of them end right around noon.
  After we got back we had some lunch and then I went to play pool.  I played with 3 of the better players in the park today.  It was pretty good when there were 4 of us, but when one left we had to play 2 vs 1 and that is tough with players like this.  I got lucky once and beat the two, but my other solo's were not so good.  Marg cleaned the house, so it probably wasn't as much fun but I know she takes a lot of satisfaction from a clean house / bathroom.
  When I got back we went for a ride around the park. I stopped at Gary's place to tell him about burned out lights in the pool room and ended up going back with him to replace half a dozen bulbs.  While we were gone Patti and Carmen stopped over at the cart, so they were all visiting when we got back.  This is such a friendly park, you can't get around it without something like a visit or two.  She did learn that Carmen's neighbour Bev found a scorpion in her bedroom yesterday, not really something you want to hear.  When we got back moving around the park, she saw a clothes drying rack on set out with the sign "Free" on it.  Well; it was like a magnet, she was on that like white on rice.  She had just been talking about getting another to accommodate larger laundry days, so she felt good about holding off.  I think her words were something like - It pays to wait.
   When we got back I painted the concrete pyramid I got the good deal on yesterday.  It's white, but the jury is still out until Marg sees how it turns out.  It may need to be a darker color.  Supper was eat in tonight as we haven't started the friend, fish, Friday just yet.  It's early yet and many restaurants have not started offering the all-you-can-eat cod, but I'm certain it will happen. All I can eat is usually 2 pieces so I often have something else, but the rest seem to get good value from it.


  1. OMG scorpions indoors..... x

    1. Gary found a large one in the clubhouse the other day. It was lethargic, so probably ready to hibernate.
