Saturday, 10 March 2018

Saturday, Mar 10th

The day started out vey nice and warm, but got cloudy as it progressed.  It as very nice until about 4PM when it started to rain.  Then we had a light rain, that sprinkled for a few hours, just enough to cause problems with the block party here on Donkey Lane.
  We went out early in the day and checked out a couple of park sales, but they were not worth the time it took.  The one park was a large one, so we went there first, thinking it was a very nice park and would have lots of good junk.  There were several other sales advertised, but they were quite a way from here, so we decided to give it up.
  We made our way back to our place as we wanted to have a facetime with Charlene.  We knew Lyzi was having an appointment to discuss her progress since her surgery.  Unfortunately it was not what we expected and we are now awaiting the results from some further tests.
  After lunch we went out to the large Walmart on Signal Butte as we were looking for a few things.  I needed to get a couple of stands for when we leave here so I can put the golf cart up.  It helps save the tires if the cart is stored with the weight off the them.  We also picked up a few other things we needed in the process, as we make lists when we find something we need, so that we don't forget when we do go to the store.  Then we stopped at Big Lots on the way home where Marg found a memory stick deal and we need one, so picked that up.  I need to copy some pictures from my old files to it for a friend here in the park.
  We had to get back so Marg could make her dish to take to the block party / pot luck at 4.  This block party was to be on the opposite side of the park from where we are located.  There was a bit of confusion around the event as they were all set up on the lane up until a few minutes before they planned to start.  At the last minute they moved everything indoors to the rec hall and were able to salvage the event, much the same as we did on the day our lane had it's block party.  It turned out to be a resounding success with about 100 people in attendance.  It was fortunate the event was indoor or we would have had to pass as Marg still has her cold that seems to have become a chronic cough.

1 comment:

  1. Made me chuckle about the memory sticks... can’t count how many times over the years you sent one home with us saying here... have this what will we ever use it for lol
