Monday, 5 March 2018

Monday, Mar 5th

Happy Birthday Brennan - 23.  How the years have flown by on us.  Hope you have a great time in Vancouver on your special day.
  The nicest day in a while down here in Apache Junction.
  Marg went to the Fort with the gamblin' gals and they had a car full today.  Well they would have but at the appointed hour one of the gals they thought was a maybe wasn't there, so they left.  It turns out she was just late, so she missed out.  Last week when Marg didn't go they had a big winner, but sadly this week they all donated.  That is kind of the way it works especially on bingo.  She reported that her problem hip was not so much a problem today and that made for a pleasant day.
  I went with Stan to Encanto where we met up with Gerry for 18 holes of fun, fun, fun.  There were some moments today, you know those shots or holes that make you want to come back.  But when I looked at the score card it was evident I really struggled.  I blame it on my weakened condition from having that cold for the last couple of weeks.  I did lose one ball, but that is not at all a high count for me, I am capable of pounding more into the murky depths of the water hazards.  Stan drove today and traffic was very light, I think he must lead a charmed life.
  When I got back to the park, there was a package for Marg, from Amazon, on the step.  Good thing people here are so honest.  There was also a bill for pest control stuck in the door.  I had forgot they were coming to spray around the trailer for critters.  When we bought this place we had lots of critters around, like ants and even a couple of cockroaches out back, but we've had none since this outfit has been spraying the outside 3 times a year.  I had a bit of time, but almost fell asleep when I sat.  It was very warm out today and I may have a bit of sunburn on my arms and neck.  Now for those of you in the winters nasty grip this probably is not drawing a lot of sympathy, but down here in the Valley of the Sun it can be a problem.  But I did manage to get the cart down to the main gate so she could ride back to our place as it is quite a hike from there.  Well her & Lynett ride on the seats and I kind of stand on the back and hang on.
  Supper was some nice ham Marg had and the potato salad.  Life is good.  An update on our colds, well we may have turned the corner on them, fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that your both starting to feel better and resume regular activities... x
