I went out for the golf with the park group to Apache Sun. The course was in nice shape, but owing to the high humidity this morning, the fairways were very wet. The greens and tee boxes were OK because they had run the mower over them before we got there. This was a big disadvantage to me as I rely heavily on the ball rolling on the fairway after landing. LOL. The game started out a little shaky, but I ended up with a respectable round, for me anyway. I was able to par the last two holes, so that's the kind of thing that stays with you and keeps you coming back.

Apparently there was an ambulance & fire truck on our street at 4 AM this morning and there were a few people around asking if we knew anything about it. Marg found out from the neighbour that it was for them, as he was having trouble breathing. He spent the day in the hospital and was released, apparently it was a problem with his heart. Nice folks, she was the original owner of the trailer we call home and now have one across the street, so we have come to know them pretty well.
In the afternoon I went to play pool. Did fairly well actually, but the fellow I played is not a regular, rather one I convinced anyone can play, so he came to try it out. Marg went to Walmart to pick up a few groceries. I know it may seem we shop lots for them, but we have cupboard and fridge space, so are like the European model just picking up what we can use for the next few days. Marg also stopped in to contribute to the happy hour ladies latest idea. They are each putting in something and going to buy the stuff to have special coffee's at happy. The guys are not participating? I don't think they are, in any event it is not something that appeals to me, but who knows.
Supper tonight was stew and it was still great. That's the beauty of stew, it is often better the second day and we still had lots of it. She made some biscuits to have with it again tonight and they were even better than yesterday. When she had the biscuits in the oven, she also made a peach cobbler and as luck would have it, there was a pail of ice cream from the earlier grocery trip. A great supper. Then it was time to head out for poker and on the way Kenny & Doris drove up, they just got back from their Christmas trip home and were pretty tired from a long day. I called Marg to let her know and she went over with a care package, that included: stew, biscuits, milk, bread, shortbread cookies, butter tarts, peach cobbler.
When she returned she did all the on-line banking and sorted through our receipts. She always checks them to the credit card records to be sure there are no surprises. I went and played poker where we only had 4 players tonight. I have been doing well with poker until tonight, where I took what can only be described as a beating. Probably the worst one I have had since playing with these guys over that last half dozen years. It was still fun.
Beware of reptiles ... they sound dangerous x