Monday, 26 December 2016

Boxing Day - December 26th

This may come as a surprise to you, but Boxing Day is no big deal in Arizona retail, it seems to be the day where everyone takes back gifts they either don't want, can't use or just want a refund on.  At home there are generally no returns on Boxing Day, instead there are big sales events in the stores and exchanges have to wait until later. 
  It was a cold night last night in the desert, while up in the high country [above 3,500 ft] there was snow.  When I got up the temperature was in the 40's and the wind blew hard and it took a while before it warmed enough to be called a nice day.  I think it got to someplace in the high 50's at the peak and was quite pleasant, but a day to wear a jacket.
  The weather was not a problem as we just wanted an easy day where we could relax around home.  We were sitting around in our housecoat when Patrick came to the door for me to ride with him.  Well it doesn't take me long to get dressed, so I went for a short bike ride [about 2 miles] with him.  He has not been well and was feeling better and wanted to start getting out more to get in shape.  I think he came by because I usually ride shorter distances and am OK when another rider tires or wants to quit early.
  We had a few visitors after I got back and Marg was still in her relaxing mode i.e.:  housecoat.  It was kind of funny really, but her friends were unfazed by it as they knew what kind of day she had yesterday.  After lunch I went and played pool for a couple of hours.  There were a few people playing, so it was easy to find a game and I played one on one today and had a few laughs.  Marg did a load of laundry, vacuumed the trailer and then cleaned up the mess the wind left in the breezeway.  Well that may seem she never had any laughs today, but she had those when her friends stopped by.
  One of the ladies in the park has been having difficulty getting on to facebook, so she came over after pool and we helped her get set up and then get some friends going on FB.  She was frustrated and really wanted to be able to see the pictures and activities on the tenants association FB page.  Between us we helped her with understanding how to interact with and make posts, how to invite friends and talked about what she can see or what others can see.  By the time she left she had friend invitations out to her children and grandchildren as well as some friends and siblings.  Laugh if you will, but it this techno-peasant is not at the bottom at the knowledge train around here, like I was at work.  LOL
  By then it was happy hour and in spite of the chilly weather there was  a small group there today.  We didn't stay long and then it was back home for supper.  Supper tonight was leftovers from the Christmas dinner.  We even had a few pieces of turkey which combined with our leftovers it was very nice.  While not normally a big fan of leftovers, the ones from Thanksgiving and Christmas are the exception, I really enjoy them.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a catch up Boxing Day... we had as we told you a busy one with going to caths to see Phil's Cousins and had a breakdown with the car.... poor Phil always something needs mending over here ... and after the prechristmas busyness of putting in the new main bathroom. No Boxing Day sales for us either ...
