Tuesday, 5 April 2016


Started the day with a paint bucket in my hands.  They guys came for a bike ride, but I was already into it, so had to pass.  I had been meaning to get to some touch-up in the bathroom.  There was still lots of paint from last year, so even the color was not a problem.  It's really amazing how well paint keeps in a sealed paint pail here.  With that I had everything I needed, some good brushes and a few wiping rags and got-er-done.  The area was small, so not much room for a roller, but fortunately I had a really good brush that was almost as good.  This was a second coat and it covered well.  Then I went on to do some touch up on the ceiling.  That paint was still good as well.  I had a ceiling stain earlier and had primed it and painted, but still had a mark, so fingers crossed on this second coat.
  Marg went to water aerobics and as with everything here, the numbers were smaller today.  The pool was bath tub warm, but they got their time in and had a good time.  While she was doing that I went to Ace hdwe for close up stuff and then to Food City where I got some toilet rolls and milk.  Then to Harbor Freight where I got ear muffs so I don't go deaf from the gun fire.  Yes I got a free gift, a neat little multi-meter, it would have been $8, so the two pairs of ear muffs at $3 each were a great deal.
  When Marg got back, we just sat down to a sandwich when the Blanke's pulled up.  It seems we had a miscommunication on what we were doing.  We had agreed to go out with them, but thought it was after lunch.  It was stuff the sandwiches in the fridge and off with Kenny & Doris.  We got to Tortilla Flats just about 1 and in very good time.  We had the cowboy burger and it came with tortilla chips, surprise, surprise!  The burger was good, but it is huge.  The crowd was smaller, so we sat on the patio, front row table and the band appeared minutes after we sat down.  The band today was 3 of the regulars who play at either the Az Oprey and the Harmony Cats and they are pretty darn good.  So it made for a great lunch.  By then the sun was well up and the heat was rising.  They have a sign that they don't play if the temp reached 100, so we must have been close with it at about 90.

  After the band took an intermission, we left & went beyond the creek to a road Kenny knew, almost to Fish Creek then turned off.  He brought two of his pistols, one he had for many years, the other he bought a couple of weeks back.  Both are .380 caliber, which is pretty much the same as 9 mm.  He had a box of ammo and we found a piece of plywood about 16 inches square for a target.  In total we fired about 35 shots between the two pistols and the two of us, scoring 24 hits.  Most of our misses were high or low and had something to do with the long trigger pull on the new pistol.
  I was not too familiar with the pistols, so tried using a two hand grip to steady my aim.  This was an unfortunately a mistake and didn't allow for the slide action as these were automatics and I have previously only fired revolvers.  My thumb paid for this mistake dearly and I took a picture of it after the bleeding stopped and I cut away some of the torn nail.  Now my challenge will be to golf with it tomorrow.  Ouch!  On the way back while up in the Superstition mtns, the temp on the vehicle display said 88, so it was warm.
  After returning home, Marg offered the Margarita solution to the days end so Kenny & Doris stopped in for a couple.  Then Linda was passing by and went to get Gary to join us.  Not finding Gary, she brought Darlene as the two of them had been having cocktails earlier.  Oh then Gary happened by and stopped in to see what was up and we had a few wobbly pops.
  I gotta go, I'm tired all that exercise in the heat.  Stay tuned for tomorrow when I tell you if I can still grip it and rip it.

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