Saturday, 9 April 2016


This was not one of our typical Saturdays.  There are no more breakfasts in the park, there were no pool players, there were only packers.  It ended up being a nice day after the storm last night and I think the temp got up around 80 today.
  We got up early enough and got ourselves fed and organized to start the move out.  And a move outa here it will be with the amount of stuff we transport back and forth.  We packed food, clothes, knick knacks, do dads, you name it.  I put the awnings down and the silver insulation in the windows and the truck is full.  When I took this pic it was dark already and as you can see the load is to the tailgate with more to go.  All of the loose stuff outside including my bike are stored in the Az room.  Marg said the house is as dark as a cave with all the windows blocked out, but it's a lot cooler in there now.  Tomorrow will be the last minute stuff and there is lots of that.
  A couple of the guys went riding, but there were two couples leaving today, so I passed on it.  Gary & Linda stopped by with Sadie.  She seemed a bit confused, she knew something was up and was excited, probably worried about being left behind.  They will be going to Las Vegas for a couple of nights and then making their way back to Minnesota.  Warren and Bev also left his morning for Montana, so I asked him to get the roads cleared if there is still any snow left up there.  Anyway we said our farewells and will see them again in the fall.
  Marg did laundry today.  It was a big load off her mind.  Hey that is almost a pun.  Anyway there will be almost nothing in the way of soiled laundry when we leave and she plans to take it home and do it there.  I cautioned her about the laundry room and looking around when you go in.  Everyone here leaves the door open and any critter could just wander in there.  In fact last night Aggie had a picture on her phone of a snake right in front of the laundry room door on Wednesday last week.  It was only a gopher snake, but it was a heck of a lot bigger than the one Binger had in his golf cart a few days back.  I can just imagine the excitement something like that would cause.
  It's funny there are lots of critters having young right now.  At the golf course the geese had little ones that are still in the yellow fluff.  There are a pair of quail around the back gate that have about 8 little ones and they are about an inch tall.  It looks hilarious to see them all running along in a line.  The owls have 3 young ones in the nest.  A neighbour has a nest and had a baby hummingbird in it until today.  Unfortunately a much bigger bird came along and ate it today.
  The panda bear has its seat all picked out and is ready to roll.  It seems excited to take its first trip to Canada.  Perhaps he/she is looking to get a name on the way, like Winnie the Pooh did!  Don't laugh, could happen!
  It's fortunate we never left today with the big storm they had in Las Vegas.  The weather on the way home is starting to look like we will be in for a fair amount of rain, but it could all change.  The park is getting down to the people who live here year round and a few hold-outs now.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your nearly ready to go... Safe travels home. All the baby animals ... How lovely, and Katie helped deliver her first baby lamb this weekend. Even saved another's life. Snake at the laundry room ... Not enough miles between me and snakes ever lol xx
