Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Tuesday / Wednesday

Never got a Tues. post done, so am doing 2 days tonight.
  Tuesday morning was biking with the guys, we had about 6 riders and went up to Idaho and then back to the school and home, so about 8 miles.  Pretty good considering the wind blew hard, so we worked up a sweat.  Marg went to water aerobics and they had a good turnout.  She was all excited about a couple of new maneuver's she has mastered: the frog kick and the leg swing to touch a wall on each side.  While she was there, I went for a haircut, but they were so busy I had to return at 1:30, so I played pool with Kenny in the AM.  He wanted to try at a time when no one else was in the pool room & it worked out pretty good.  Back to the park for lunch with Marg as she gets back from the class just around lunch time.  After lunch it was back to Walmart where a different lady cut my hair.  I think she was better than the last one and I ended up with a decent job.  Later on we went for happy hour at Jim & Beth's, then Marg made spaghetti for dinner.  After supper it was bingo & we met Gerry & Deb at the hall.  We got a surprise as Nancy had already bought our cards and left a nice thank you note with them for the work I had done with the carpet on their steps.  It was nice, but I thought we had an understanding that I was doing it and no money would change hands.  Marg is quite worried about her as she has pneumonia.  She seems to get it every year and is under a doctors care, but it's still concerning.  Gerry won twice, the second time he split, so it was a good night.  We were all close at different times, but he brought home the cash.
  Wednesday started off real early.  We left the house at 4:15AM, yes that's no typo.  Marg had agreed to drive Barb [Lynette's daughter] to the airport and she had to be there by 5AM.  I didn't want the ladies out there in the dark, so went with them.  After we got back, we both went to bed and got a couple hours more sleep.  Then we got up at our regular time, about 7 this morning so I would be ready for golf.  Got in a good game, still playing with the Calloway's, had lots of good chances and played with a couple of good folks.  Marg went to Walmart for salad stuff as we are invited out to dinner for tomorrow night.  Get this, she was back by 9 AM and then went to water aerobics.  There was a much smaller group this morning because it was quite a bit cooler.  I think the temp only made it into the low to mid 70's today.  Then it was lunch and I went off to play pool for the afternoon. I played some pretty good guys and ended up winning more than I lost and pulled off some shots that made then think I play better than I really do.  Then it was out for happy hour and over to the hall for hamburgers & fries.  The power was out for a bit, so we were concerned that it might have to be cancelled, however such was not the case.  The burgers were great as usual and we were lucky enough to be in the start of the line so ate early on. 
  After eating we gathered all the dirty laundry and carted it down to the Laundromat.  Marg did laundry while I played poker.  That worked out pretty well tonight and although I don't keep score, I am pretty certain I came out ahead.
  Well we are getting tired, so time to call it a day


  1. Thanks for catching us up. I had to smile about the story on Facebook about refurbishing the blackboard on site. It seems that there was somebody wh had bought new chalk 4 years ago but couldn't use it. The irony was that the blackboard has been replaced with a white board. Is the chalk for sale?

    1. Pretty funny about the chalk all right, kind of dates things didn't it
