Thursday 14 January 2016


Up for an early start again as Marg went with the gamblin' gals to the Fort.  It was another pot day feature and the ladies all wanted the pot of the day, so no holding them back.  These pots have them switched from Wednesday to Thursday.  Not sure what will happen when the pot cupboard is full though.  Anyway this is a bigger one that could boil potatoes or something like that.  It was a pretty good day for the gals.  They took a 4th person with them, but only the 3 regulars won today, which in itself is neat, it's uncommon for all 3 to win.  Marg's big take home after expenses, including lunch she said, was $138, so a good day.
  I went to coffee at the hall this AM.  The park owner was speaking about the changes that were made and went on at length about the difficulty of making them.  I don't think he gets along with city hall and everything seems to be more difficult than it should be.  He spoke about the walking track and all the plantings around it and his vision for it.  For me the highlight of the whole event was getting an apple fritter to go with my coffee.  I left early as I thought Larry was going riding this AM, but apparently not.  He has been slow recovering from his fall at the service station last week.
  After a bite to eat, I left for Gerry's place.  I picked him & his friend Richard up to golf at Encanto today.  We got paired with a 4th person who although a decent golfer was as slow as molasses.  The groups in front of us were backed up and slow as well.  For several holes we were 3 foursomes at the tees, so lots of waiting.  It took well over 2 hours to play the first 5 holes, arghhhh!  In the past Gerry and I have played 18 holes there at between 3 1/2 - 4 hours, so it was painfully slow.  When we got off the course at dusk, it was on hole #15 & the course was closing.  The good news was my score was low for 18 holes, LOL.  The course was in nice shape and good to play on.
  Traffic was heavy on the 51 coming home, pretty much bumper to bumper at 3 - 15 mph and lots of stopping.  Fortunately that is only the first 3 miles and it moved along nicely after I got on the 202 around Tempe.  When I got home, Marg had a nice surprise, supper was on the table and I was getting pretty hungry, so a great welcome home.
  Marg went to happy hour, surprisingly no one missed me, LOL.  The topic was mainly about how busy everyone's schedules are for the coming week.  Lots of activities in and around the park that people are participating in.  I guess Kenny's golf cart got bumped by one of our neighbours and needs a bit of repair, so that seemed to be a hot topic as well.  I'm sure he will fill me in tomorrow.


  1. Oh dear..l was this the golf cart that ran the dog over last year?

    1. No, that was Kenny's daughter Heidi who broke the dog. It was cheap ceramic thing, but Kenny bought a nice one that cost him $150.

  2. We remember looking for a replacement dog last year.. Glad he found one X
