Saturday 28 February 2015


Went for a bike ride this AM, it was a nice day with a bit of breeze, so had to wear a jacket.  Only made 4 miles today as the knee is acting up.  I think I overdid it on the golf this week.  Funny with the number of times I am playing you would think there would be more improvement in the score card, but alas such is not the case.
  Marg went to water aerobics and there was a larger group as the water temp was 82F, so more like a warm bath.  They had a good workout, but she must have fell victim to the over-doing it bug and we had to go get some liniment for her upper back.  It seems we need to carry the message that we are seniors and should take care that we not get too carried away with the exercise regimen.
  While Marg was at aerobics I finished with the cupboard doors, painting and installing them.  No matter how suspect my cabinet making skills, they look better than what was there.  The old doors seemed to be something like pressed cardboard and were going all soft and were long past their service life.  The bottom line is that Marg was OK with them, so I take that as a pass rather than fail.
  In the afternoon we went to Walmart for some groceries.  In Marg's case this involved several bottles of wine and a case of coolers.  It seems when the ladies stopped for a visit the other day she felt her supply woefully inadequate and just wants to be prepared.  LOL  When we returned, I borrowed a ladder and cleaned the rain gutters and sprayed some sealant on the areas where they drip.  With the impending 3 or so days of rain, I wanted to see if I can stop the water from ponding on the driveway pad.  Yes I know a driveway is supposed to take rainwater, but with the carport, we use it almost like a covered patio.  There is a storm system moving through the whole west and we are expecting about 3 days of low temps and rain.  I believe the forecast is for the maximum daily temp to be in the 60's, but by golf day on Wednesday to be very pleasant.
  Went to happy hour where there was pretty good crowd.  Marg tried two of her coolers [she said they were small], but if she had one more I might have been cooking.  LOL  Supper was a pasta and shrimp dish that was very tasty.  Pretty funny as Linda & Gary were in the area and Marg gave them a taste.  We were just about done, so they took what was left and parted with a smile.  Desert was the last of the bread pudding with clotted cream, you know the one from Devon.  Notice there was no sharing involved with this!  HAH! 
  A bit late posting the blog as it is Saturday morning.  Should have lots to report on today as there are now 6 women going to Talking Stick.  Enjoy your weekend everyone!
   Char - here is a photo of the funky shorts.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the golf shorts.... You could even wear those here to golf xx
