Wednesday, 5 March 2014

March 5th

Happy birthday Brennan, have a great one.
  Marg went with the gamblin' gals to Ft McDowell today.  She said they had lots of laughs, but she never hit it big.  I think Nancy won, but was the only one.  Next week Wednesday is the ladies tea, but I am certain they will have an alternative day planned for girls day out.  Me I went to Apache Sun and played with the group from the rv park.  The course was in nice shape, but lots of grass clippings because of the big rain storm on the weekend.  Played with a tough foursome today: 7 over, 6 over & one even par.  But as I always I play my own game and compete against myself, I still had a good day, oh yes I was 48.  If it ever comes up I just tell them that anyone who plays like me and still comes back must enjoy it.  LOL
  After lunch I played some pool  Have not played for a long time, so it was a nice break.  Played a couple of guys who usually kick my butt, however didn't do too badly for a sporadic player.  I was kind of waiting around for a contractor as I wanted him to have a look at the roof on the park model.  We had a bit of rain on the weekend, so wanted to find out if I have a problem.  He commented on some do-it-yourself patching on the roof that should never have been done and said that our problem is not very serious.  Ended up with him agreeing to put on a sealer in the area that he thinks to be of concern, the most economical approach and one he thinks has a reasonable chance of success; then see what happens.  If that doesn't work we will go on to a roof over that area.
  Marg got back in time and we went to happy hour.  She got there just as the contractor was ready to leave.  Fortunately I had some beer in the fridge at the unit, so just took that to happy hour.  I got lots of advice there, but think I will stay with the contractors.
  Supper in the RV, cooked it on the bbq, you guessed it.
  Poker tonight, was lots of laughs and I won early, so you know what happens in the later part of the game.  Well I gave most of it back, must be pretty close to even tonight.  We decided the renovation was becoming all consuming and that we still needed to have some play time here.  Well that was the day off, back on the tools tomorrow.  Oh yes it was a nice day, high 82, not a cloud in the sky.  In fact the contractor suggested we may have to us a hose to check how well the sealer works on our roof as there is no rain forecast.

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