Thursday, 27 March 2014

March 27th

  A cooler day, but still very nice.  The forecast was for it to get cold and by the standard here, I suppose it was, 75F, I believe.
  We got off to an earlier start and both went to coffee & donuts this AM.  Marg almost seemed like it was a regular thing for her, but the rest of us knew better.  LOL  Sat with friends, among them Bob who was supposed to leave today.  Apparently he had a brake problem when he went in for an oil change yesterday and not having any metric tools had the service station do the rear brakes.  I told him he should have come to see me as I had lots of metric tools and have done more than my share of brakes and he could have saved a bunch of money.
  After we went down to the unit.  Marg took a bunch of things out of the m'home down to use in the new place.  In fact she found that we were short of knives and she had to bring a couple back.  She also got to lay out some of the new things she has bought.  Me, well I worked on a door, did some touch-up paint on the ceiling, then switched to do touch up on the walls.  While the wall panel painted fine, it does peel off when scraped, hopefully it will harden up a bit. 
   Kenny came by to visit and then Doris having just finished thrash & splash stopped by, so they had a beer and a glass of wine.  Not certain if she came to collect him or to talk with Marg about plans for dinner. 
  I also did the silicone around the vanity sink and the tub surround.  All the while we had a bit of company.  Bud came over and he had made a building inspector badge and gave us our written report.  It was well done and we had a good laugh.  All the while he has been joking about being the inspector and would give us a written report when the time came.  One of the things on the report referred to bribery in the form of a miller beer, so I had to have one with him.  By then we were pretty much done and Norm & Lucie showed up.  They had a bottle of wine, so the girls had a glass while Norm & I had a beer.  Introduced them to Bud and Marg told Lucie he was the one who thought she was our daughter when he saw her the first time, so this earned him a hug from her.  Marg put together a snack for them, so we had another beer to wash it down.  LOL  We had arranged with our group that they may come to dinner with us, but it turned out she had supper in the slow cooker and had to go back to their motorhome.
  Kenny stopped by to pick us up and we headed out to dinner.  A few of us went out with the Bingers to say good-bye as they are supposed to leave tomorrow morning.  Norm & Mavis came as well, so there were 8 of us.  We went to Friends of New York and the food was good and the margaritas & beer, well it was still happy hour there, so you know what we each had.  Besides neither of us were driving.  You just don't drive impaired here as there is a mandatory 14 days in the crowbar hotel.  Our new bed and kitchen set being delivered tomorrow and will take some pics when they get set up.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds as though you running out of your own jobs, and now looking for new ones xx
