Monday, 24 February 2014

Monday - Feb 24th

Hot one today, I think it was 80F or around there.  It is supposed to stay above average until the weekend and then drop down about 10 degrees with the possibility of some rain.
  We got a good start on the park model today.  I painted all of the ceilings in the unit and they look pretty good.  All day long there were visitors, so Marg conducted tours while I painted.  Well all day long was really just the morning, we finished in time for a bit of a late lunch.  Everyone seemed to like the unit, some even asked us to find one just like it for them.  I had a couple of offers to sell it, but one said not to be too hasty and make the decision when the painting is done.  HaHa!  The paint covered very well and seems one coat will do it.
  Marg took all the switch plates off and put them in a pail of detergent to see if they will clean up.  Failing that I guess the plan will for new ones.  I think she has given away almost all of the furniture,  I am sure glad we bought it furnished, LOL!  I think we are keeping the table, but not the chairs and a stool as well as the bed for the Az room.  She just has a couple of recliners or rockers to give away, as she got rid of the hide-a-bed today.  She even gave some valances out of the bedroom away to the gal across the road.  It was mostly ladies coming for tours and a few of them commented on how nice our carpet its, seemingly it is better than what they have in their units.  Yes that will be going too.  After lunch one of her buddies saw me sitting and asked when I was going back to work.  I have to keep telling these people, hey, I'm retired.  The other interesting thing is there are some folks in the park who fancy themselves as handymen and want to do the reno's for us, but we are staying shy of them.
  Supper tonight was the potato bake.  They make the biggest baked potatoes I have ever seen and then have all kinds of toppings out. You really can make a meal of one potato, some people even take half home for a later meal.  It's all I can eat to get through one of them.  They also offer sloppy joes or chili by the bowl to go along with it.  It was well attended and in fact they ran out at 100, leaving a handful of disappointed people.
  Poker tonight.  We have started playing on Monday nights as well as Wednesday.  I did OK, I think I have been pretty much break-even the last few games.  I don't count it because I really just play for the fun and camaraderie.  We had a surprise tonight, Gerry Mc came to play, he used to be a resident here, then for the last year or two always came back here just to play.  He moved parks to be closer to his cancer doc and is doing pretty well with his treatments.  For those of us who have been around here for a while, it sure made our hearts glad.  Not having heard from him for a while, we were very concerned.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a bit of work ahead of you... May be going home for the rest.
