Sunday, 7 April 2013


Sunday in the heart of LDS territory is a pretty quiet day.  I heard on the news they have a big conference on that will draw 100,000 people to the area, so must have lots of activities this weekend.  Noticeably fewer shops are open on Sunday.
  We lazed about and then went to the Hill air museum.  It's a really big air base and has a long history of manufacture of aircraft.  There was one model of bomber built here in WWII and the Snark ICBM was manufactured here.  It was funny, I drove up to the wrong gate, one that leads into the airbase, a bit of a security issue I think.  The nice young man at the gate, with lots of guns, took my drivers license while I did a U-turn and another nice young fellow gave it back to me.  I asked him if they get a lot of old people who don't know where they are going and he just laughed and wished me a good day.
 The inside displays were pretty cool as well, this old WWII Mitchel bomber was great, just check out the machine guns forward, something like 12.  Looking at lots of the displays, many of the crew must have been smaller guys.

I really like the replica of the Wright Brothers Kitty Hawk, I've seen one other, but it was well done.  They also had a WWI Jenny in the background on the floor.
 They also had a Starfighter, I think the Canadian airforce flew them, long and thin with a top end will over mach 1.  I think it was called the widow maker, mainly because of the number lost in training.
 I always take a picture of the Sabre jets when they have a nice one and this one was mint.  Also the name was pretty cool, right Roger?  They had the machine gun port open on the other side & there were 3 - 50 cals on each side.  I remember Jock telling me he broke the sound barrier when he was flying these, but only in a steep dive.  They also had a Herc & 2 Convair's planes that he flew as well.

Another picture of the Globemaster, impressive, especially when you see it in proportion to the other aircraft.  I think the only other behemoths like this were the B1-B & B52.  The B1 is impressive, a bomber that flies at mach 1.2 & delivers a nuclear warhead.
  It was a nice day & we wandered about in shirt sleeves.  I think the temp was in the 60's and the forecast rain never materialized.  Marg is a pretty good sport, I know she isn't all that keen on this kind of thing, but goes along with it anyway.
  Weather is a bit better, so will head out tomorrow with plans to make it to at least Idaho Falls.  Probably will not have wifi tomorrow.
  Just noted that we had 30 views on Friday, must be quite a few lurkers out there.  Why not sign in and let us know what you think?


  1. Judging by the telephone call that we had on Sunday, your 30 views may have been Auntie Ann looking for you.

  2. Great day....looks like it was moms turn to bring a paperback ..I loved the planes with the story of uncle jock xx
