Went with the guys to the desert today, perfect day for it. We started out for an old mine, but he road was closed off, so we took a new trail. Had to cross a stream about 5 or 6 times. It was a marked trail, but it wasn't in our book. The guys have a book that provides descriptions and maps for the better marked trails here.
A helicopter was hovering around for quite a while just to the north of us. Not sure, but sometimes these are search or rescue missions.
The view when we got near the top were spectacular. We saw a herd of 14 mule deer, a cardinal, some lizards, etc. No snakes, we were kind of hoping with the warmer weather we might see one. We ran along a razor back or hog back for quite a few miles. Just enough width to get by and pretty steep sides. A couple of times our climb was so steep we couldn't seen any road when we got to the top, just went forward on faith.
There were only 8 of us today, so the Tracker, a jeep and a Polaris side x side ATV.
The cactus is getting ready to bloom and the desert is very green at this time of year. Lots of unique scenery.
The river was clear and fast flowing. The bottom was a nice sand, but it was almost too loose for driving through, even in 4WD low range.
The day ended early because we had to double back. The track became too rough to get all the way through. We got lots of Arizona pinstripes on the vehicles today. That's what they call the scratches you get out on the desert.
Marg went out for lunch with the girls [mostly wives of the desert rats] to Midwest Meats. A great deli and restaurant. They all agreed to go early so she could make her hair appt. That seems to have worked out well, but never really certain, the jury is usually out the first day or two on any hair cut with Marg. We went to happy hour tonight. The desert trips always end with enough time to get back for this 4 o'clock event. Supper was Mexican at Filberto's tonight as we had to be back for bingo. Gerry & Deb and his two sisters came to the park for bingo. I won a shared pot, so half a prize, nothing to write home about, but a win is a win.
Cha Ching ! Sou dd like an exciting day! Some of us think its good news not to see any snakes .....