Sunday, 17 March 2013

St Patricks day

A nice warm sunny day in AJ.  Happy St Patrick's day to all the Irish and those who would be.  It is often referred to as the day when the world is Irish.
  The day got off to a good start, thanks to the wonderful french toast provided by my wonderful wife.

First thing after french toast, Marg was off to the kitchen crew.  They had a bunch of peeling and chopping to do and then cook all the: corned beef, cabbage, potatoes & vegetables for the evening meal.  This has become a regular event provided by the tenants association and is free to park residents.  Yes, just the 5 gals did it.
  In the meantime I spent most of the day visiting and on the telephone.  Thanks for all the kind wishes.  Bud & Jerry stopped in and we had a few Miller's.

    By then it was time for supper so we could enjoy the efforts of our kitchen crew.  The food was good and it was plentiful.  Marg's corned beef hash is one of my fav's anyway and so this is a meal that I really enjoy and look forward to.  It's a lot of work, but appreciated by everyone who attends.  At the end of the meal, the dessert is always the same - ice cream and crème de menthe.  A nice touch to the green theme and a great way to finish the meal.


1 comment:

  1. Happy St Paddy's birthday! Glad you enjoyed your day....hope you managed to get some cake too.... Sorry your parcel wasn't there on time ... Fingers crossed for today ... Love you xx
