Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Got a call from Charlene today, it was sure great talking to her.  One of the things I really miss about being down here is the regular telephone conversations we have.
  The weather really warmed up today, it was very pleasant.  In fact we were sitting around in the rv with the door open.  I was told today that this cold snap we had was the longest cold period since 1978, now that is the way our luck runs sometimes.  Anyway it is behind us now, hurrah!
  After lunch I played some pool & Marg went to pick up some stuff to go along with dinner.  One of the guys I played with is remarkable.  He just walks up and shoots taking almost no time and he is a remarkable player & quite a character.  It was turkey soup night in the hall and it's a free dinner to all the park residents.  It's really more than a soup, with all the ingredients it is really closer to a stew & very filling.  For the past few years, Marg has always provided some very nice bread to go with it and this year was no exception as she found 3 different types & everyone enjoyed them.  There were a dozen of us at the table and we had some nice wines as well.  She had made & froze one of her famous carrot cakes before we left home & it travelled really well.  Today she thawed it and made the cream cheese icing and brought that as well.  It was a big hit and there was enough to share with friends at one of the other tables.
  I played poker this evening, we had a good group, more than enough actually.  As it turns out I made out like a bandit.  I don't count what I win or lose, but the little sack that I carry change in barely closed tonight & it was only about half full when I went.  The really good news was that we had 2 new players & anytime we increase the numbers that is positive.  If everyone shows up now we may just have 2 tables.

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