Friday, 11 January 2013


  Well it was chilly last night & most of the day.  Funny thing here but the warmest time of day is mid-afternoon.  As I mentioned we are entering a 3 or 4 day period of some of the poorest weather we will see this winter.  The temp is forecast to be 2 or 3 degrees below freezing at night.  We just cover our water lines and let a bit of cold water run every so often and with luck will not have any frozen lines.  By Tuesday it will be above freezing at night & after Thursday, the temp is supposed to start climbing and get in to more seasonable patterns.
  Went for a hair cut this morning.  Went to a place I tried successfully last year and it seems to be ok this time as well.  They are Mexicans running it and the guy was talking about coming to Alberta to see if they could find work.  I told him there are lots of workers being brought in to our part of the province, some from Mexico.  He was very curious about the cost of things and the weather for both summer & winter.  Marg wandered around a few stores and spent quite a bit of time in one dealing in antiques & I don't mean senior citizens by that, LOL.  After we went over to Big 5 sporting goods to look at golf balls, but I think I will hold off and see if I can get some on sale. When I played with Gerry at Encanto this past week, I never lost a ball, so much better than Apache Creek the week prior.
  Got back in time for lunch and then I played pool in the afternoon.  Marg dyed her hair and then fussed with it for a bit while I was gone.  After supper we went for a walk around the park, for a change there were no cocktail parties tonight.  Most of the orange, lemon & grapefruit trees were covered as well as a lot of the flower beds.  In fact I lent out my large tarp, which is covering an orange tree tonight.  Apparently if the citrus trees get a touch of frost the fruit will rot while still on the tree.  We had frost on the car this morning when I got up.  Good thing we got propane yesterday.  Pretty good price on it, $3.05 per gallon.
  We had supper in tonight.  Marg had bought some smoked pork chops that were really good.  After supper we had a face-time conversation with Vanessa & Daniel.  Good job on the I-pad there Marg.
  There have been so many shootings in Phoenix this last week.  Apparently there were 6 involving the police. There was even a murder victim found in an AJ jewelry store yesterday.
  I have one of my nice warm coats from home out & it's just right for this kind of weather.

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