An early morning as it was the team of Juva & the Canadians making breakfast. Juva is our honorary canuck. We made bacon, ham, eggs, pancakes, biscuits & gravy for 80 or 90 & have a little fun in the process. It went very well & so it should as this was our 3rd breakfast this winter. Marg made the scrambled eggs & comments were, these were the best eggs ever. I made pancakes and got some good comments as well. They have an established way of doing things in the kitchen, but our team flaunts convention. Marg cooks eggs the same way as she does at home. Alan adds a bunch of extra coffee grounds making it taste more like real coffee. At the end when we eat, Alan asked how big I could make a pancake, so I made him a big one but said he could only have one - LOL. For a laugh Pat & I used the kitchen hats & put "Eh!" on them [Marg's suggestion]. The Yanks all kid around about how much we say that. Almost all of us have stories about getting identified as Canucks because of it.
That took most of our morning, after which we went out to just sit on the patio in the sun, for a while anyway. Jerry B stopped in for a chat, then Kenny & Doris dropped over, followed by Almyra [who brought me some grapefruit from her tree], then Harold & Fay. It was Marg's fault as she brought out a tray of fresh pineapple & stawberries, then slush & beers. Something like don't feed the bears. Well that was the afternoon, which sometimes is what life is like down here. After everyone left we went to Los Gringos Loco with Kenny & Doris for supper so that we could challenge our GRD's while using another coupon from Marg's book, LOL.
Thats about it, I think I'll go get some shut eye.
That's some pancake !