Happy Birthday Brennan, hard to believe he is 17. Where have the years gone?
Got the day off to a good start with a bike ride. It was warm by the time I got out there. A couple of pics of where I turn around to head back to the rv park. The lady riding in the first one was on a long eared horse or a short eared mule, are there white mules? This ended up being the nicest day of the winter so far. The temp was about 70F when I went out for a ride and then around noon it showed 90F on the window thermometer we have.
Did some research for Bud as his jeep is still not running and they are having a difficult time identifying the problem. There are a lot of posts on Q&A for why a jeep won't start, made me glad I don't own one. Anyway I printed a bunch of it off and gave it to him & he was going to take it over to the mechanic to see if it helps.
Marg & I went for a walk through the park and only got half way by noon. It's such a friendly place that it is almost impossible to walk through it. I imagine it would look really funny if you were to look down on it from on high for the first time. It's not very far around the park, but we must have made 6 or 8 stops as well as many passing greetings.
A quick lunch and then off to play pool. I have been playing well these last 2 days & I think I only lost one game today. Marg went to the pool and spent some time with a group of Canucks from Manitoba who will be leaving next week. They had lots of laughs and it was very refreshing when the heat of the day peaked.
Later in the afternoon we packed up some snacks & drinks and went to the hall for a jam session. It was pretty neat with some music and singing. The group was small but a fun bunch. After we went to the Village Inn for supper with Kenny & Doris. It wasn't free pie night, so there was no line up and the food came promptly. When we got back to the rv, we strolled through the park and stopped again for a couple of visits. Gary doesn't play, but his brother-in-law likes golf so I offered to take him with me on Wednesday. They are just here for a month from Ohio and are trying to get a feel for the snowbird lifestyle.
Happy Birthday Brennan! Loved the pic, nice to see where your riding too. x