Sunday, 18 March 2012

March 18th

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday hot, today, not so hot. I think the high was only about 60F and rain today, in fact it rained all through the night. We also had some hail, thunder, lightening today. This means snow at higher elevations and the top of Superstition mountain was white today, first time this year. Water was running everywhere, especially in all the low spots on the roads. They don't have a storm sewer system as this only happens a few times a year, so they just leave the natural terrain and let the run off flood the roads & they are like fords - not the trucks silly. There was a bit of a river running by and a young girl was floating her rubber duck in it, pretty cute.
We were in no rush today, so slept in a bit. Went and ran some errands today. We had to get a few things and we had to get the bird house/feeder ready. We bought this and put the Blanke's name on it and presented it to them at the ice cream social tonight. They always do a presentation to the team, so this year we surprised them. We put their name and location on it & when we presented it to them made a big deal of it being their first house together. Anyway it was good for a laugh.
The last ice cream social tonight & it was all free: cake, sundaes, root beer floats or banana splits. You would not believe how much ice cream and cake some of these old gals can eat. Marg had about half of my b'day cake left over, so put it in the social. There were the equivalent of about 4 cakes given away. We were very generous with the scoops & then at the end offered anyone seconds. Some of them had 2 pieces of cake & 2 soup bowls of ice cream. I couldn't handle that on my best or is that worst day. LOL Anyway we had a packed house and a good time was had by all.
Happy 59th birthday Jim, hope your day was a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Fords! lol that was picked up well in this side of the pond. Glad you got a rest after yesterday.... Need to recharge your batteries for Mons bday. x
