Weather cooled down quite a bit, even rained over night and today. Windy all day Sat & the dust was everywhere, could hardly see the mountains. On Saturday we went for breakfast in the morning, it was great - french toast, pancakes, etc. After we went to the Mesa market where I exchanged some pocket books & Marg went to the farmers market for some fresh produce. The old gal at the book place was glad to see me as she was low on dusters & that was pretty much what I had. In the afternoon I played pool & Marg did laundry. Played with some fun guys, but they are picking up bad habits from me. Went out for dinner with some friends. Marg had wanted to take Sheri out for dinner. Since the death of Tim she has become quite a home body & she has a great personality, just needs to get out more. Anyway she had also committed to go out with Ron & Sue, so the 5 of us went to Godon Biersch. Dinner was great as was the company. It's down the Santan freeway, so we stopped in at Total Wine before coming back [the restaurant was just across the street]. They had never been & were amazed at the selection. That is the place with 1,000 kinds of beer & 3,500 kinds of wine. Came out with a nice 8 yr single malt Irish whiskey - after all St Paddy's day is coming. Played cards with Ron & Sue after for a few hours after we got back. Sunday we slept in as the weather was cooler. There was no sun in the Valley of the Sun, saw numerous rainbows everywhere we went. Went to an RV show in Glendale. They had the 101 loop barricaded & I ended up driving past the show location & by the time I got stopped was almost out of the Phoenix area. Saw some nice iron there, in fact almost got tempted on a new motorhome. It was 32 ft, same as ours, but had some great features, much nicer than ours. The only thing that stopped us was money & the practicality of trading this one after 2 yrs - Hah! Thats what living on a fixed income will do for you - make you practical. After we stopped at Cabellas for lunch after, even the food is good there. It was really nice, they had a fishing derby for kids right in the front of the store. Then to get back on the 101 loop, arghhh. Remember the barricades, well we had to drive about 20 miles through Glendale & Peoria streets to get back on it. Ice cream social after supper and we worked it. Banana splits optional again tonight & a good turn-out. We also had a one more new flavour for the sugar free crowd mint with chocolate chip.
Sounds like a close call on the motorhome, sure you won't change your minds. X