Saturday, 8 January 2011

Jan 8th

Since we hooked up the satellite dish we get to see more about the weather in Alberta & we were very happy to be in Az today. It was cold last night, got down to 31F, so just below zero. The roof of the car was white, but it warmed up & by noon people were out without coats.
Went to the breakfast this AM & had pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs. Passed on the biscuits & gravy. For those of you to whom this is new - they are like baking soda biscuits smothered in a white thick creamy gravy. Most of the Americans like them, although as with anything even some of them stayed with what I had.
After breakfast we went to the Mesa flea market. I exchanged a handful of books and got 5 new dusters. Also bought a coat & as the wind was quite brisk, wore it on top of my other coat. Marg just had a light jacket on, but she handles the cold better than me. Almost everyone handles the cold better than me. Also got a new wallet, the old one was wore out, no wonder I'm always broke. Marg got some lavender oil [for her feet I think] & a car charger for the new phone.
Stopped at the Superstition market on the way back. They had oranges - 4 pounds for a buck or grapefruit - 5 pounds for a buck. Marg bought a couple of large vine ripened tomatoes, they were 27 cents.
Took a few pictures tonite of our site and the view we have of Superstition Mountain all day long while I was bbq'ing.

1 comment:

  1. Great deal on the fruit... I am well jealous. We eat SO many oranges... Phil and I eat at least 2 every day. The cheapest we get them is a box from Costco... about £3.50 for about 20... I thought that was a bargain. Phil had a new wallet for Christmas from the girls.. his last one he bought at the market with Dad in Florida is on its last legs... We had a lovely night last night.. went to a movie night at some friends... watched (Dad would love it) an Italian subtitled film called life is beautiful... was very good, but sad. Today Katy was at a birthday party ski lesson at the Ackers... a capet hill in Birmingham where Phil and the girls all took lessons. She was the only one of the group who had ever skiied... and you would have been SO PROUD ... she was amazing. The only kid not to fall, and had great form. She was a proper ski bunny... can't wait to get her back to Nighthawk... Bobs bump will be a thing of the past. She has loaded an album on fb.. you will have to check out the pics. I was SO impressed. x
