Happy New Year!
Late publishing this one as we didn't have a connection last nite. This is what we saw coming in to Vegas.
Left Idaho Falls in what they term a blizzard, it was the talk of the town. In GP we would have said an almost sunny day. Hah! Woke up to about 5cm of white stuff covering the car and snow plows on the road, temperatures dipping to about 16F, minus 8 for you canucks. The driving lane was bare, not even close to what keeps us off the road. Had snow and wet highways all the way to Pocatello and a few slippery sections. Went thru lots of washer fluid. Traffic was light for the dreaded Salt Lake City crossing, New Years Day must be a mormon celebration where all the wives get to go. ;>)
Made it all the way to Las Vegas, where we got to drive around in the dark with several thousand race car drivers. Now I why they call it Sin City, if cursing is a sin, I have sinned. LOL Found a new hotel called the Cannery and had a nice room. Had a nice dinner at the buffet and Marg almost cleaned up at the slots.
sin city.... we watched a show about Vegas last night, it was great.... the Mayor was on talking... apparently he used to be a Lawyer for the Mob, a rea llife character... and he wants to legalise prostitution... also, they said Vegas only will have water another 10 years. I was wishing I was with you guys in Vegas instead of watching it. lol xx