Cooled off today, I think it only got to about 94F. Almost had to go back to long pants - NOT! Went to a regional centre just down the road & got a few things. You really have to appreciate the irony of this; it was an end of summer sale. 94 degrees and they are lamenting the end of summer, sheesh. Marg got a haircut. As those of you who know her well will attest to, a new hair place ranks right up there with the financial crisis in Greece or Ireland. Anyway it turned out very good and life is, well, very good.
After lunch she needed some groceries, so went on her own. She likes driving in this foreign country & I like it when she does as well. ;>) Got all the food stuffs we require to exist - no beer, but she did get some shoes, Ken Cole, I think. She was pretty pleased with herself. What happened, I can't say; but shoes & no beer, perhaps I should start going on these trips after all.
Nice day around the park, then out to Applebees for dinner. Food was great as usual. She always has the appetizer plate for a small army, eats half and takes the other half for lunch the next day. I don't get that either, but my dish was good enough to be all gone. LOL
Stopped to fuel up the car at Smith's. It's a large food store, like Tesco with a gas bar. Anyway thought we should support the family. Stopped by the Mormon tabernacle on the way home & took a picture. Haven't joined the church yet, just took a picture. When we drove by there were people all about the place - coming & going. Now that is why I didn't join, they have to go too often. I am more suited to the weddings & funerals kind of church.
I should have taken a picture of the street sign, Tabernacle street. Could of put my hand over the end for Richards benefit - shorten it to Tabernac street. Lol, sometimes I crack myself up.
That's about it for now, off to the grand canyon tomorrow. Drive for a couple of hours, spit over the edge, then drive back, I imagine. Who knows, there might be something to see there.